Sunday, May 16, 2010

Part I: Trivia

- the author played both the Almost Alice soundtrack and the Alice in Wonderland Soundtrack by Danny Elfman while creating the episode to keep her inspired.

- there was originally a plan for a trailer but it was scrapped due to lack of good software and Paolo breathing down my neck -.-

- the thing Tarniche is wearing is just Zack from Final Fantasy's outfit recolored red.

- speaking of Tarniche, if you didn't get the joke... it was a pun. His counterpart in the real 'Alice' is Stayne, whose name's pronounced like the word 'stain'. Ergo, Tarniche--pronounced like the word tarnish--is sort of a synonym.

- the Yellow Rabbit will be revealed at Part II.

- this project cost over 3,500,000 simoleons and was set in 4 large-sized lots scattered across Pleasantview.

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