Friday, August 14, 2009

Comparing the Original Version of MAWB with the New and somewhat improved one


Ashley - all the elements of the world (psshhh weak.)
Paolo - dark magic, energy and matter manipulation (pretty..)
Harvey - Super speed (haha)
Lyca - Illusion-related stuff (she was granted powers by the CASADiJ)
Vini - (inactive) able to enlarge himself to any size
Jaime von Monsterburgenvaughstraughsenheidelshlinkymanjansen - evil villain with no powers, he's just really frikkin rich
Ochteepoo - modern-day Shield. Grew a freakish tentacle-hair thing ever since she fell in octopus poop.
Tom - (inactive) turns himself into Tomzilla when angry.
Imma - was originally a part of the WB, then joined the CASADiJ.

Christiana - mayor of OBMCI I-A (yeah, I was first year then). Governs all... makes rules.. super smart.. blaaaahblaaah blaah
Alex, Sandee, Desi, Jeni - information not available


Ashley - the brains of the Weird Bunch
Paolo - super sight (haha it got lamer)
Harvey - technical wizard... still a fast runner though
Lyca - predicts the future from her illustrations
Annika - super flirting powah
Imma - reinstated but rarely works at all


The Villains were Jaime von MBVSHSMJ and Ochteepoo, who were trying to bring the world to its knees by means of... paying large amounts of cha-ching... and entangling Ochteepoo's hair in their own...


The Sims 2 versions have all been basically about Paolo, Harv and me. Just regular stuff. No powers anymore. The villain is still the same hahaha just minus Jaime von MBVSHSMJ.

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